print (Hello, world!)

I suppose I should admit that I’m not a programmer. I just like to make references to things I know nothing about.

I don’t know what I’m doing here either. The best laid plans of mice and men / Often run awry, said a talented Scot–and arguably, the current state of the world is testament to that–so I’m loath to lay out anything like a roadmap for this thing.

I do like maps, though. I’ve been making a few myself, actually–and they may just see the light of day here. Photos too, that I’ve taken over the course of a wandering couple of years.

I’ll continue to wander, I’m sure–in mind for now, and on foot when the fates finally allow–and I suppose the point of this is just to write some of it down. I haven’t done much of that to date, because many of the little tangents I find myself undertaking are things that I do for my own aesthetic satisfaction. Consequently, I’ve never really felt a need to share the things that I pour my time and energy into–even as I continue to make more.

(I’ve also often remarked that, on matters of opinion–I may hold firm views, but the world is already full of too many people shouting at each other, and not enough people shutting up and listening.)

What some might call self-assured, others might deem reclusive. The jury’s still out, I suppose.

For now, call this a journal, a record, a blog–a map that I’m drawing as I explore it. (And isn’t it strange to think that in a simpler, earlier time, all of our maps were similarly brimming with undiscovered countries?)

Just don’t call it anything coherent, or say that I know what I’m doing. I make no promises beyond the name I’ve chosen:

… I think you’re projecting the way that you’re feeling
I’m not suicidal, just idling insignificantly
I come up here for perception and clarity
I like to imagine I’m playing SimCity …

Barnett, Courtney. 2015, “Elevator Operator”, ‘Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometimes I Just Sit’, Milk Records, Melbourne, VIC AU.

Let’s see where this goes, aye?

Lost as usual,
— Josh

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