idling insignificantly

Just doing what the name suggests – a place to place my thoughts, tangents, and whimsical what-ifs.

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Trams Remapped – Wait, What?

I’ve recently spent some time retracing what was once the second-largest tram network in the British Empire (in fact, the 13th-largest in the world). It had 291 km of track (more than any tram network still operating today) and was serviced by 1,600 streetcars–carrying a daily average of 1.1 million passengers in a city with…

print (Hello, world!)

I suppose I should admit that I’m not a programmer. I just like to make references to things I know nothing about. I don’t know what I’m doing here either. The best laid plans of mice and men / Often run awry, said a talented Scot–and arguably, the current state of the world is testament…

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Trams Remapped

Sydney Undone
(coming soon)